My Services


Customize your diet & nutrient needs to your unique genes!

A fascinating 1hr consultation to review the results of your genetic test from a health perspective. Includes a full report post-session.

This consultation will give answers to common complaints around weight-gain, focus, fatigue, depression, anxiety and which diet (vegan, keto, paleo) is best for you.

Traits we'll explore:

  • Vitamins, Minerals & Omega-3s

  • Antioxidant & Cellular defence

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Glucose metabolism

  • Metabolic support

  • Cognitive health & Memory

  • Immune health

  • Energy & Fitness performance type

  • Energy & Fitness injury risk

  • Vitamins, Minerals & Omega-3s
  • Antioxidant & Cellular defence
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Glucose metabolism
  • Metabolic support
  • Cognitive health & Memory
  • Immune health
  • Energy & Fitness performance type
  • Energy & Fitness injury risk

Works with the results from 23andMe and Consultation does NOT include genetic test.

Reviews and Raves

A client’s results after optimizing her supplements based on her genetics

Client lost 3lbs immediately after her consult by optimizing her diet based on her genetics